Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Sister/cousin day!

Today we had planned a day with my sis and niece and nephew. Little C had a day off school as the teachers are striking. Bonus for us! As it was a nice bright day we planned to picnic at the beach. While I got in the shower this morning big bee started drawing, she done 3 pictures completely on her own. One was for her cousin C and I haven't got a photo of that one but here are the other two. Amazed at the 'very hungry caterpillar on its leaf' 
We went to Walcott beach. Very windy! Lol! Still lovely though and a little less blustery down on the beach as opposed to at the top. 
The children played lovely together. Little bee joined in chasing about with the girls. There were a few little pools left from when the tide went out which were unfortunately very tempting for the little ones. If it had of been warm it would have been fine. But alas C tried out a pool then shortly followed in by little bee. Big bee thankfully stayed dry. We had to head off shortly after that as they were getting cold from   being wet!
We still had a lovely couple of hours down there. A yummy picnic too!
Big bee making a trail with 'treasure' hidden at the end.
Little bee with his beloved rake! And sporting his fancy new jacket :-) he loves it and said 'bear' when he first saw it, along with the usual 'w-ooow'!
Big bee wrote there names in the sand. A bit of writing practise on the go! :-)
A spot of digging!
And sis's idea, a fab shadow picture! Big bee kept looking at this later on, she kept saying who was who..
After the beach sis and co came back to ours for the children to dry off a bit! We actually ended up showering them all together, was so cute! They continued to play, a bit of dressing up happened and lots of giggles and mischief! :-)
Was an exciting day for me today as my quartz worktops were being fitted. :-)
When we got back they were just about done.. They look absolutely fantastic, more sparkly and gorgeous than I could have dreamed of. I'll post a pic when we've moved in and appliances are in too etc.. 
My wonderful Hubby and dad have worked so hard on the house. The kitchen was what I've been looking forward to being done the most, the kitchen is 'my thing'!  :-) Dad has been working on it most days fitting it around his work. He's a star! I couldn't ask for a better more supportive dad, and mum too! She's fab! They do so much for us. Don't know what I'd do without them. :-) love them lots! :-)

Tonight I was just about to hurry big bee along getting her into her p.js as she was taking forever and when I looked she was playing this game on the ipad. I stopped hurrying her and realised that this is it, 'education' happening and I certainly wasn't going to stop it! She was really enjoying herself, she told me about it and showed me how to do it.. 
I was actually amazed, gobsmacked!
She was answering all the questions right, and while she's known her letters names and there sounds for quite a while this was asking her the sounds of things like th/ch/ee/ai/ow/sh/ie (and several more I can't remember)
I've never shown or taught her these things but yet she knew them all! I had to call hubby in to show him too. Bless her, my clever big bee! 
This was one of the easy screens, the bee asks you a question and you have to pick the right lily pad.

And just before falling asleep. My gorgeous little bees :-)

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