Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Happisburgh trip

Exciting day today.. I'd arranged for a group of home ed friends to visit Happisburgh owls. We'd went the week before and were blown away by it all. 
Before we set off big bee said she needed to make the owls a picture. This is what she drawed! She asked how to spell 'owl'. Also big news, our littlest bee who has been a quiet little chap on the speaking front said the word 'owl' yesterday! Happy! 
When we arrived, S our host pinned the piccy straight up, made her day!
Here she is showing big bee and her friend F the chatty little owl 'mumbles'
Talking to mumbles and a few more had gathered. S was an amazing host and spoke so passionately about all her animals. Such love for them all. Lovely life lesson for the children to hear about them.
Big bee was keen to hold mumbles :-)
Little bee having a stroke
F had a turn, then this happen...........
Haha! The little mumbles monkey flew and landed on my head!!! I kept quite still so as not to alarm him. He felt a little 'scratchy' on my head but it didn't hurt. S had just been telling us minutes before how sharp the claws are. Had me concerned for a minute! Lol! 
S showing some of the girls one of the bigger owls, bit like the one in Harry potter! :-)
Little bee being brave and going in for a stroke. Gorgeous owl :-)
Big bee with spirit. She loved him the best I think..
Beautiful wings 
Little bee and D checking out the pony
Big bee and F being given the guided tour ;-) they all absolutly loved him. He received lots of apples from the children. He seemed happy!
Big bee loved the pigs, talked about the 'huge' pigs loads since. She seems really interested knowing about pigs and also where they end up! She's seen me make broth from pig bones so understands. I explained that by using every last bit of the pig, trotters and all, its being grateful to the pig for giving its life so we can eat. She seems to take it all on board without any upset. I'm glad she's learning this sort of thing so early in life as its very important really to be grateful for food and know where it comes from.
We had such a lovely visit once again, everyone who came couldn't believe how lovely it was and what a little hidden gem! S was such a fab host, so great with the children. There was 7 families in all, ranging from 1.5 weeks old (awwww!) to 5. We know some better than others but the children all bombed about together, loved it! S played a hunt the feathers game with the children which they all enjoyed. Overall just a wonderful trip. We'll def all be visiting again. Many times no doubt! We were even all given a jar of homemade chutney as we left. So lovely!
After the owl trip on S's recommendation we headed to Happisburgh beach. A really lovely beach, so glad we visited! Nice new carpark and brand new clean toilet block. 
The children all ran excitedly down the slope to the beach.
Climbed the rocks a bit
And generally ran round having fun. They collected stones, crab parts, fossils. Sand! Lol!
Beautiful day, a touch windy but warm still in the sun.
One lovely perfect day, just what home education is all about! 

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