Sunday, 15 September 2013

Swimming Sunday

Another waffle station this morning,  at big bees request! :-) we all enjoyed our waffles then headed off to a late bootsale. There wasn't a great amount there, quite small but did find few little bits
As planned we then headed to the swimming pool. We haven't been in ages as the last few times we went the bees were so nervous of the water it really wasn't enjoyable for anyone. Big bee has been asking to go recently so we thought the time was right to try again.
Very excited all ready in the changing room. Me and big bee went in the ladies and daddy took little bee in the mens changing room. Lots and lots of (loud) questions in the changing room about why girls and boys are different and go in different changing rooms! Lol!
No pictures of actual swimming but they both enjoyed themselves no end. we felt it was quite cold in there so we didn't stay in as long as we'd have liked to. Little bee was shaking from the moment he went in and big bee joined in shortly after. Both had blue lips! Lol! However this didn't stop them loving it and I was most impressed at how confident they both were. Bobbing about in rubber rings. Sometimes just in arm bands. Wanting to jump in repeatedly. Little bee having no fear at all and wanting to jump with no one catching, eek! Lol! They loved it! The inflatables were out when we went but it was actually a bit of a tease as you couldn't go on unless you could swim so neither could go on. We're definetely going to go swimming again soon though may go back to the private pool nearby as it was always so lovely and warm. 
Here is daddy demonstrating the hand/hair dryer! Lol!
Back home and some lovely warm broth to warm us up. 
And an obstacle course made in the lounge! 

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