Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Cupcakes and a jelly experiment

A couple more new words for the bees at breakfast this morning..
Big bee had a big plan for the day today, she reeled off a long list off things she wanted to do. All very reasonable, even included on the list was going to the loo and getting dressed! Lol! She said she'd really like to make and eat cupcakes.. Well, I don't need much reason to eat cake so we got straight on to it. Just as we started, little bee asked for a nap so while he slept we carried on..
The finished choccy cakes.. There was a plan to decorate but they got gobbled up so quick there wasn't much chance!!
Sis and my little squishy nephew arrived just after midday. Both bees played with him while we had a chat. 
an activity I set up for big bee. A spinning wheel which landed on a word/charector from her chip/biff Oxford learning tree books. Whichever one it landed on she then copied that word out in magnetic letters. We kept re-visiting this activity throughout the day..
After sis and nephew left we ended up making some jelly, a bit of a colour experiment too. Little bee did red, big bee done yellow. We then mixed them together to see what colour jelly we'd end up with.
They both seemed amazed. :-) I think the colour mixing thing really sunk in by using jelly. We've done it with paint before but it seemed to make a bigger impression like this. :-)
Out to the poly tunnel to gather some veggies for tea.
Our gathering.. I made a spagetti squash bake in pepper sauce with sausages. Was yum! 3 clear plates. Big bee wasn't impressed unfortuantly. I even left the pepper sauce off hers as she's not a fan of pepper. 
My monster pepper! Very proud of our colourful collection, :-)
A bit of burning off steam outside. Little bee tried out his new scooter which we found at the bootsale on Sunday. Our 50p bargain! He can't quite do it yet but I'm sure it won't be long. 
While I cooked tea tonight big bee done these lovely drawings. Really proud how focused she is on things. Both bees let me cook in complete peace which was lovely. Little bee was playing with his tools while big bee drawed. 
Our family portrait! Xxx

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