Saturday, 28 September 2013

Pancakes and a pamper :-)

Yay, pancakes this morning! Yum yum!
Glad to see they work just fine with coconut milk too :-)
Doing some arty pictures with pistachio nut shells and buttons. They both enjoyed this. I was quite surprised at how focused little bee was. He seemed to really enjoy it where as normally he gives up pretty quick.
I felt very pampered this evening. My wonderful hubby cooked us a lovely tea.. rib eye steak, maple caramelised red onions, asparagus, chips and corn on the cob! Yum yum yum! 
Then I had a whole hour in the tub with bubbles, my book, chocolate and music playing. Was so lovely and peaceful. I never really get any time to myself which is fine with me as i enjoy every second with my bubbas but it was very nice to get a chance to recharge my batteries. :-) The bees had a 'pyjama party' with daddy in the lounge with special snacks and a movie. Was a perfect end to the day! *feeling relaxed* :-)

Friday, 27 September 2013

Lollies, granola and a trip to the park

The breakfast sign tradition carries on...
Straight into some colouring, no hanging around to get dressed and so so focused. its lovely to see. :-) She was doing this for ages. 
After we got dressed we put the pork bones I got from the butchers yesterday in the pot. We talked a bit about most of them, this one sparked the most interest again! Lol! 
We talked about legs/trotters/ribs/knee type ball joints/shoulder bones..
We went out to the poly tunnel and dug up some carrots and pulled a few onions and set things going.. (Still going now!)
We then set about making some more fruit lollipops in the dehydrator. Great for fine motor skills with the 'piping' out of the mixture. I gave her a tray to fill and left her with it while I did the rest. Resisted any OCD urges to help or suggest ways to make them neater etc. repeating 'this is how they learn' in my head :-) lol! I was rather proud of myself and even more so of big bee. She done such a good job.
My efforts
Little bee then woke from his nap and we all made granola together.
I am wondering if more got eaten than made! ;-)
After a bite of lunch we headed to the park for the afternoon. Gorgeous sunny sky, not baking hot or anything but warm enough for me. :-) I'd be quite happy with weather like today everyday!
The bees played together so lovely at the park. I kept right out of there way and let them explore and play and use there imaginations. There was a big net swing thing which I made myself comfortable on and just watched my gorgeous little bees in the sunshine. Big bee was showing little bee how to do things and each were helping each other. Was wonderful. We had the whole park to ourselves. After a time they came over and pushed me on the swing.. Slight role reversal there?! Lol! They thought it was fab, pushing mummy! They then each had a turn with me and pushing on there own. I then got them both on there and pushed high high to the sky! :-)
Aww just love these little bees sooooo much xxxx
Home from the park and more colouring! She's getting really neat, amazes me! I noticed little bee used his left hand today more than his right.. Do we have a lefty in the making?!
Just before bed and some phonics games on the ipad. 

Thursday, 26 September 2013

A bus trip with super nanny!

Porridge station this morning, and the sign was wrote by big bee. She wanted me to spell it out so she could write it. :-) 
I'm still not feeling 100% today, feel rather under the weather so unfortuantly had to call off our craft session this afternoon. Seems everyone's got colds too so hopefully we'll all be fresh and better for next week.
Nan (known as super-nan to the bees so as not to confuse with other nannies) had asked if we wanted to go round hers this morning so we set off for hers after getting ready. I gave her pre-warning of our germs we're currently playing host to but she didnt care. lol! I packed us up some lunch goodies to take as figured we'd end up staying for lunch. 
Shes mentioned before about taking big bee on the bus as she's never been on one before as we never have had need too. As my nan has a bus pass and little people go free she suggested taking her on the bus just round the block. I needed to pop to the butchers so she planned to get off bus near the butchers then we all ride back together in the car.
The bees had a good explore of super-nannys garden when we got there. She backs onto a wood so lots of woodland bits to look at. They had fun collecting all the flower heads that had fallen off then floating them on the bird bath.
Super nanny showing big bee a 'snap dragon' flower.
Little bee kept sneaking off and stealing tomatoes! 
They found a small sunflower which nan explained had been planted by a bird. ;-) big bee was intrigued so it was explained further. 
Lots of running around
This is where we met them off the bus. Big bee came off so excited to tell us all about it. She'd only been on 10-15 mins but she loved it. :-) 
After the bus trip we went back to nans for a little bit then back home. Big bee got stuck into some butterfly pictures and little bee chilled on the sofa while I cooked tea. Tried some gluten free sausages from the butchers. :-) very nice! 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Picture making & word games

Rice crispies this morning, ( or sugar free rice puffs actually) but as big bee calls them crispies I thought we'd better stick to that! I'm getting requests for signs every day. They love it!
No time to get dressed, straight into creating pictures! All self led. I let her get on with this sort of thing. Love seeing how creative she is with no outside influence. the picture on the purple paper is a birthday cake with candles. She did several other pictures after this.
Little bee 'making music' lol! 
We headed off to horse riding this afternoon, no piccys unfortuantly but big bee enjoyed it as usual. She gets so so so excited when she knows its riding day. She really does love it :-) 

After shower time this evening big bee went back to her word game. Together we set them all out. :-) 
She knows most of these words from sight now as we see them so much in her Oxford learning tree books. 
Little bee started playing with the letters and big bee helped him make piles of letters in colours. Was nice to see her helping her little brother. Makes my heart melt seeing them being so lovely to each other. 
This is my (rather sad) excitement of the day! Lol! I managed to buy these on a selling page on Facebook for £4. Very chuffed :-) they match in with my blue planned colour scheme in my new kitchen (when its eventually finished!) :-)