Everyone woke up well this morning thank goodness. We all slept well too, bonus!
I got the stacking blocks out this morning for a bit of creative play. It went down well and several proud tower creations were built (and knocked down!)
I started gathering supplies for an activity I had in my mind but big bee came across these alphabet boards. She was keen to spell out several words so I assisted where I could. She was a little frustrated that she didn't have enough letters to makes lots of words all at once without stealing letters from previous words. That frustration led us to lay out the whole alphabet....
Here is big bee arranging it all.
We decided to throw a 'ball' and which ever letter it landed on we said its sound and its name. This actually was aimed more at little bee as big bee has been fairly confident with her letters for some time. Though a refresher never hurts of course! I think she enjoyed teaching little bee :-)
We took turns throwing the ball then the game evolved into putting an item that begins with the letter it landed on onto the board.
After the letter game was finished with, we veered in the direction of my original idea. I love the fact we can be flexable and child led. Imagine me being stuck in stone and not letting the letter learning happening because I'd 'planned a different activity'.
Anyway the activity I'd had in my mind was a kind of salt dough to make festive ornaments/presents etc. its made with corn flour so looks lovely and white.
We started mixing up the ingredients after measuring them out.
Both took a turn :-)
We added copious amounts of glitter!
Then poked and prodded the strange texture. Looked like a liqued yet was solid, so strange!
Around this time with puffs of corn flour all around us and on our persons my nan popped by! :-) I think she must have wondered what on earth was going on, lol!
Being the arty crafty type she got stuck right in, helping the bees with the terribly crumbly weirdness that we'd created! As it turns out it wasn't a great recipe as it didnt really mould at all. Ether crumbled or was to sticky, nothing inbetween. I thought it looked like snow so with a slight change of plan we put it all on the tough spot and played with our snow. Nan had been trying to wet some of it up to try and mould it but it hasn't worked. She'd been left with a goopy paste so we decided to pour it on to add to the sensory experience!
They thought it was amazing!
Although it didnt work out quite to plan in some ways it was better! They loved the snow and it was going very well until a 'snowball fight' took place! Yep, needless to say I needed to sweep up fairly!! Haha!
Later after lunch we together made a chocolate mousse recipe that a friend had recommended. It was really yummy and completely dairy/gluten/sugar free! Contained avocado, bananas, cocoa and a little maple syrup. I'm not a fan of avocado but you wouldn't know it had it in. :-)
And finally all ready to sample! We had some after tea tonight as well served with strawberries! Was a really nice addition, we dipped the strawberries in and was sooooo nice!
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