Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Obstacle course and celery printing

Rainy day today and felt we needed to let off steam so I created the bees an obsticle course in the lounge and kitchen. The bees loved it! There was crawling, climbing, jumping, balancing, footwork etc. they spent so long keep going round.
They spent ages on the 'electric fence' which later they changed to 'spiders web' :-)
After spending ages playing in it they 'saved' each other by snipping the strings. They then turned the strands into spaghetti!
Playing with the spaghetti!
We decided after all that exercise we would take a break and have one freshly squeezed orange juice. Yum!
After the juicing Little bee amused himself with the spaghetti serving it up etc while me and big bee played some flash card games. She really enjoys them and always initiates the games. She's picking a few of the words up now. I can really see her getting it. :-)
She wanted to make her own cards which we started doing..
Later we done some celery head printing to look like valentine roses. :-)
My pic on top with big bees to the left and little bees to the right. They both enjoyed doing this. :-) love when we can do an activity which is suitable for both ages. :-)

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