Friday, 9 May 2014

Icecream, candles, iron collecting and crystal growing

Busy activity day today.. We attempted finishing the icecream we started. Unfortuantly it didn't go exactly as planned, I think maybe we didn't use enough ice? Anyway we used the freezer in the end and turned out some yummy icecream so it wasn't all bad. The bees thought it was amazing!
A maths session next..
Science experiment, we extracted iron from breakfast cereal. We found some old rice crispies in the back of the cupboard and soaked them in water. We made a magnet 'fishing rod' covered in a plastic bag so we could remove the iron that we collected. And then we went fishing!
The iron we collected! Amazing!
Big bee collected it off the table with another magnet.
After lunch we made some beeswax candles. We watched a YouTube video on how beeswax is made by the bees. Both bees watched this intently and were so excited to get started.
Making a different style candle..
And finally lighting them! They loved it!
Making a candle holder
All done!
Strawberry picking from our poly tunnel. First strawberries of the season! Yay! 
Another science experiment. Making crystals! This can take two days to two weeks so this one is long haul! :-)
Ready to grow..
After tea we went out in the poly tunnel and saw to the chickens. Big bee spends so much time with them, it's lovely. Done a bit of gardening then in to bed! Busy day! :-)

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