A trip to the park today, a picnic in the rain under our friends gazebo. Thankfully the drizzly rain eased off to a dry-ish afternoon. The bees wizzed about with all there friends having lots of fun. Rather a lot of mud was involved!! Lol! Big bee kept mud free as was stirring mud pies or 'chocolate icecream' with sticks but little bee... Well... He got rather stuck in! :-)
A lovely day, completley tired out bees! amazingly we still managed quite a lengthy discussion on the way home from park about wood, its origins, where it goes once chopped down, it's different uses etc. also about how we need trees to breathe..
An interesting and very educational chat which all came about after seeing a lorry full of logs.
Education happening naturally here there and everywhere! :-)
And finally, a cute little chicken piccy that big bee done. There is a lot of talk of fertile eggs, mating chickens and broody hens at the moment, hence the picture!
We have a black hen gone broody who is currently sitting on a plastic egg! Watch this space...