Monday, 31 March 2014

Chicken run

A quiet chilled out day today as big bee is a bit under the weather and I think little bee is following suit. Coldy/coughy type stuff. We just played outside mainly in the garden. Got lots of fresh air. The bees doing there own thing. Sometimes helping with things in the poly tunnel and the chickens. But mainly just playing and being children. 
We started getting an area sorted for the chickens outside run which meant moving the trampoline pieces. Which of course made a marvellous climbing frame!
We got our sweetcorn planted out. Rather pleased with the 100% successes rate on the seeds. I've found sweetcorn to be hit/miss before. (Saved some seedlings for you David!)
Big bee announced she wanted to paint a fair cone in Christmas colours... Mmmmk! ;-)
Happy times! with the outside run done (thankyou hubby bee!) we let the chickens out into it. They loved it! The bees thought it was amazing seeing them outside. Both bees have spent so much time with the chickens since we've had them, taking out food for them. They eat out of there hands. :-) big bee in particular really loves them. It's the first thing she wants to do in the morning!
The overgrown with weeds run. Think the chickens will soon see to the weeds!
The entrance from inside to the run.
And of course after seeing the trampoline bits, they needed it assembled and up!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Lovely Mother's Day

This morning I woke up to cuddles with my gorgeous little bees. I love them so much, they (and hubby) are my world. They had a little pressie for me and a card. So proud giving it to me. There faces priceless. I then was cooked a fab English breakie by hubby. A real treat. A lovely relaxing morning!
After lunch we headed off with my mum and dad, to my sisters caravan that they have for a long weekend. We had a fab day with them. The children had so much fun. We went swimming, to the park and had an amazing tea together too. Wonderful day.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Poop and frogspawn :-)

This morning we set off on a family poop collecting expedition! Lol! A friend of hubby bees has a farm not far away and had a huge pile of very rotted down animal manure. Has been there years so really composted down. Perfect stuff for our veggies. We took the trailer and our spades and got going. The bees were having a whale of a time digging in the muck, and flinging it onto the trailer. :-) afterwards we explored a bit and found a pond. It was quite a steep incline so we nominated daddy bee to go check for frogspawn.. Our luck was in and there was some! Yay!
Off exploring..
Here is daddy bee collecting it for us..
Our future froggies.... Hopefully!
Back at home and big bee making them at home. We used rain water and discussed why that would be better than tap water. Lots and lots of learning happening today (as usual) but without even trying. Love it! :-)
Our muck haul! :-)

Friday, 28 March 2014

Worms, eggs and scones

Today we downloaded another level of the biff chip kipper books on the iPad and big bee spent quite a bit of time on them with me. Then after that she continued looking at them on her own for ages. Was lovely to watch her teaching herself to read. (Unknowingly)
We spent ages outside observing the chickens, the bees found a worm which they gave to the chickens. They went absolutely mad for it, fighting over it so we then had a mission to find more! It didn't take long in the poly tunnel!
We discussed making an egg chart to see how many eggs we're getting. We had 3 today! We both made one. Big bee wasn't overly happy with either chart so not quite sure what her vision was. We'll get there I'm sure. :-)
We decided to do some baking next. Found a nice and very easy scone recipe. It was already a gluten free recipe so we converted it to dairy free too and we were away.
Cheeky bees!
Brushing the milk on..
All ready for the oven
Done! They didn't rise at all but I suspect that is due to our 'tweaks'. No matter!
They actually tasted fairly 'scone-ish' and the bees were happy so that's the main thing. We all enjoyed them for dessert tonight. :-)
After a slight miscommunication of me saying to big bee to mop up a spill of drink, it soon turned into them wanting to mop the floor! i didn't actually mean 'mop' just wipe with a tissue but it was no use.. The idea was planted! I went to the loo and returned to find them filling the bucket up!! Lol!
I found it all very amusing and was blissfully watching them cleaning the floor until the whole bucket got tipped over! Hmmm! Not *quite* as funny! Lol! Anyway, I now have a lovely clean floor so can't complain! :-)
Cheeky daisy pup after the leftovers tonight. Thought she looked so cute she deserved to make the blog! :-)