Christmas Eve - an interesting day to say the least! We had a power cut at some point during the night, we think around 2am. I had a ma-hoooo-sive list of jobs to be done in prep for the big day and I was thoroughly messed up. It felt like a dark day, I tried my utmost best to keep spirits up while getting on with things I could do. I played christmas music through ipad to get in the spirit of things. :-)
We made these place names for the table
Got the table ready.. All the time doing this I kept thinking, will the power come back on?! Am I doing this for no reason! :-(
Hubby rather optimistically prepared the turkey.. We had a back up plan for Christmas Day of going to my sisters if still no power. I was meant to be hosting for the family and had been so looking forward to it. I was just praying all day it'd come back on.
My original plan for Christmas Eve was stop all jobs at 3pm and open our Christmas Eve box. It contained, new onsies for all, Christmas movies, Christmas book, popcorn, nuts, hot choc, cups etc.
well at 3pm, there was still no power so my sister very kindly let us and our box and all my remaining jobs invade there house for the evening.
Turns out it was a great decision, the children had a blast! We saw Father Christmas go through the sky at 6pm (international space station). It was so magical. :-)
Movies, pop corn, hot choc...
Fab evening!
Then back to our candle lit house... We had a story,
Left out a mince pie, carrot and drink..
Big bee drawed by candle light..
Then at 9pm! Woooooooohooooooo!!
Power back on!! Me and big bee done a 'power on dance' was soooo happy!
Bee's in bed and Father Christmas came!
Am so very thankful our power came back on but my heart goes out to the poor people who got flooded out. I feel so very lucky. I'm blessed with a healthy happy family. Nothing else actually matters. :-)
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