Saturday, 31 August 2013

Party time

It was my little niece C's birthday party today. It was a joint party with another little friend of ours A. The party went really well and the children all seemed to be having a whale of a time! Big bee was straight off into the thick of it, little bee chose to stay close to me which he tends to do in large crowds. Big bee used to be the same. We caught up with loads of friends which was nice. There was face painting, a bouncy castle and parce the parcel. Still can't quite believe big bee and C are both 4, just seems no time at all ago and they were little bubbas. 

What a difference 4 years makes!
Best buds :-). Big bee was a little upset when everyone sat down to eat, she was desperately hoping to sit next to C but the seats had gone so ended up sitting a touch further away. Not far but she got a bit upset so came and sat with me and little bee instead. 
The two birthday girls and big bee at cake time. 3 little butterflies!
Parce the parcel!
Little bee spotted the opportunity to get on the bouncy castle the one time no one else was on there. The reason?! Because it was deflated! Lol! Bless him, he didn't seem to worry!
When we got home we had a relax for a bit with some books then I got to work sorting the lounge. Very happy to say it now looks like peace has been restored. All changed round and much better for it!
Still plastering and and decorating to be done in the lounge and finally carpet but for now its in order at least. 
Here is my beautiful door that was installed thurs/Friday. Love it!

Friday, 30 August 2013

Brio & Spirograph

These books are Oxford learning tree and are a lovely set which both bees really enjoy. Big bee loves the stories and little bee likes to point to things and get you to say the word. We were so lucky as this set was given to us by a friend of the family. They would be very pricey to buy new. ( and these were as new)
This morning big bee wanted to sort them into colours, we've read all of them multiple times and when I picked them up I asked her what each story was called and she could recall a good half of them. I think that some sort of word recognition is happening somewhere inside that smart little head! 
We of course read a handful while we were at it!
A bit of model building with the brio stuff..
Big bee found a Spirograph which she wanted to do, I had a feeling it was a bit advanced but we done one together then she carried on just drawing round the circles. I think she'll love it when a bit older.
Today was another manic day in the lounge. The carpenter was back and installing our beautiful new wooden double doors from the lounge to the kitchen. All the furniture was shifted about to allow him space so it was all a bit chaotic. Very much looking forward to getting it back to normal. Here is a little bit of calm up one end that i created today. I'm trying to create an end of the room which is just dedicated to everything for the bees. I'm hoping it'll be a nice space for them to play in. Hopefully more pictures to follow tomorrow! 

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Happy birthday to my little niece

Today was my little nieces 4th birthday, can't believe how quickly time goes. Doesn't seem two seconds since both big bee and C were babies. 
Our first family piccy with our girlies..
And one with nanny & grandad

I haven't been feeling that well again for last few days and we were meant to be all going to the park today. I felt to rough but Thankfully my mum and sister took big bee anyway as she and C were so looking forward to it. Me and little bee stayed at home. I managed to make some crispie cakes with him for C's birthday party on Saturday. Other than that we just chilled together, he's such a laid back little man. He was quite happy just watching the carpenter at work!
I think this was little bees fav bit! Licking out the bowl!
My sis took some photos from there afternoon out. It looked like they had a lovely time! They even bumped into some other friends at the park F &M. :-) 

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Tea party

Came into the lounge this morning to see this lovely little tea party happening. Love when they play together like this.
Doing some sticker pictures
And making some faces from paper plates.
Big bee found this foam person set that I'd made ages back. She enjoyed assembling it while little bee had a nap.
This wonderful stack of boxes I picked up from tesco this morning. Ordered online. Spent a lot of the day sorting all our 'school supplies' toys & games into them. Daddy bee is making us a storage bench which these will fit into. Is it sad I'm so excited about storage?! Lol!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Popcorn harvest

A relaxed day today after a busy few days. Thought we all needed some quiet time so I mostly left the bees to there own devices. Just regular good old fashioned playing! Lol! Actually the most lovely they have been to each other in ages. Playing nicely, pretty much no arguments over toys. A real joy to watch!
Pear crisp making... I slipped off to kitchen and done most of these and big bee came in towards the end and helped me with the corer. (A small round cutter) she loved pressing the middles out!
A bit of princess puzzle making on the ipad
And later after tea, Picking tomatoes for tomorrow's lunch!
Popcorn harvest! We noticed tonight the popcorn plants had started to get covered in green fly and as the cobs were ready we thought it was the best time. We've removed the plants and will just have to cross our fingers it didn't spread to other plants.
Peeling the quite sticky cobs
And a pretty pattern or 'sunshine' me and big bee made.
Tonight's haul! Now to decide what to do with the space in the poly tunnel where the sweet corn was...

Friday, 23 August 2013

Shaving foam painting

A bit of a lazy morning. Didn't get dressed till late, unless princess dress up counts?!
We started wrapping up all of my nieces birthday pressies. There's quite a few as we've been collecting up bits for ages. We decided to decorate our own wrapping paper. The bees happily drawed away and I couldn't help but join in!
When little bee went down for a nap big bee done some shaving foam painting. She really enjoyed it, and afterwards got really stuck in exploring the texture of the foam. She was messing about in it for ages.
We then played with one of our carboot finds, 'fun with sums'. Big bee really enjoyed doing it. A fantastic maths practise. A really different and fun way of doing it. Its quite an old set but sometimes I think old things can be better. They seemed to keep things simpler!
She actually ended up doing half the set, I didn't push it at all, quite the opposite but she just didn't want to stop! There is 25 cards I think and we got up to card 12. I think after card 15 they get quite a bit harder. Perfect though at the moment.
And last of all a glow bath for the bees! :-)