Monday, 13 January 2014

Postbox and letters

Busy productive day today.. We started off looking at the bees new magazines. Big bee had a disney frozen one and little bee had an alpha blocks one. The frozen one we got through pretty quick then we moved onto the alphablocks one. Little bee done some of the sticker activities then he'd had enough. Big bee carried on with some of the flash card activities. There was a free pack of fab flash cards and there was one page that caused amusement. It was a silly story page with space for two flash cards of your choice. So it read 'the CAT was on the BUS' or whatever words you chose. Big bee found very amusing and done lots of silly ones.
This then led to our next game. We set up a 'fairground" with prizes! Lol! Each word had a envelope covering the picture and a 'prize' on top which big bee 'won' when she sounded out the word!
She thought it was amazing and we sounded out all of them. I was really pleased with how she was doing it and love how happy she is during. 
We set up something similar for little bee. Didn't work quite the same but he enjoyed it anyway! Lol!
Then big bee decided she wanted to put each flash card in an envelope. Turns out they were just the right size. She then labeled up all 20 envelopes with the flash card word inside the envelope. She done all this while I was in the shower! I was amazed at her determination! 
Next came the *obvious* need for a postbox! Lol!
All painted up! 'Stamps' on each envelope too :-)
And its posting time!
Me and big bee went off to the shops next while the boys carved up some pumpkin. Big bee has been saying she wants to go to the shop for a couple of days. Making lists etc. I normally online shop but today we made an exception and headed off! She enjoyed it and asked her usual one million questions on her way round. We've talked recently about some foods how they might look yummy but aren't always that good for you. I loosely used the term 'full of muck and rubbish' lol! Big bee has took this to the extreme and announced at every opportunity around the supermarket (loudly) at how this that and the other was full of muck and rubbish!! Haha! She was right of course, most things are but it was bordering on being a bit embarrassing! Lol!
We picked up a reduced pack of Christmas cards which was 50p well spent as big bee proceeded to write nearly every one over the next hour or so!
Tonight's treat, made a choccy fruity dipping adventure! Yum! Made the choc, was delicious!
After tea the bees popped over to nannies and planted some bulbs with her. They enjoyed doing that though unfortunately by then after a long day big bee was shattered and was in desperate need of bed. I think all that writing etc plus an early morning wake up had wore her out as she was snoring by 7:50pm! Unheard of in this house normally! Thankyou nanny though, big bee is looking forward to seeing some flowers soon :-) xxxx

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