Friday, 31 January 2014

Choccy crispie cakes and more mud!

Today we were meant to be having a group of our friends round so we decided to make choccy crispie cakes. As it turned out not everyone could come in the end as everyone was ill and the two remaining friends we decided to meet at the park instead. We had a lovely day anyway and the blast of fresh air done us all good. Plus we went armed with crispie cakes! Yay! 
Here are the bees doing the cakes
We made the 'raw choc' first
Here is the extremely yum cocoa butter melting. Mmmm, smells so good!
Having a stir...
Getting mixing..
Putting the mixture into the cases. Love that this is something they can both do. :-)
And of course the most important bit.... Licking the bowl at the end!
Off to the park we went after lunch.. Its a new park to us so was great to explore. It was a really good park, it had a good play area, plus a skate park and a grassy field which led down to a little wooded area where we took a walk too.
At the end of the wood walk there was a huge muddy field. The children thought this was brilliant and went off to explore...
All was going well till we realised there was a rather deep muddy puddle with very thick goopy mud all around!! Our poor friend L got stuck in it! He wasn't to worried but he did exit the puddle with no wellies as they were stuck in the mud! Next our friend B lost a boot. It was by some miracle none of the bees ended up stuck! We managed to rescue the wellies in the end, we were laughing so much though. It was so funny! Luckily with some well placed nappy bags the boys managed to wear there boots for the walk back.
None phased by our sticky muddy experience! Lol! 
Ended up being a fab learning experience, constant questions all the way back!

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Muddy park day

Pancakes this morning, yum yum! Love that we have time for these things :-)
We headed to the park after lunch to meet up with our friends, it was cold and generally miserable looking outside but no one cared. It was a wonderful afternoon. We all got some much needed fresh air and the children had a whale of a time. They all get on so well. We met a new friend today with a little girl same age as big bee. They played like they'd known each other for ever. So lovely to see. 
Here are the bees in the thick of things..
'Camp fires' were built, the children all working together..
Even a game of musical statues! One of the children would sing for music for the game.
We returned home after 3 hours completely filthy and mud covered, worn out but with smiles and rosey cheeks all round. Fab afternoon!

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Tracing and drawing

My little bee surprised me so much this morning. He picked up the wipe clean trace/draw book and got going on it! I was so amazed at his pen control! Up until now he's always just done scribbles so to be honest I didn't think he was ready for this. How wrong I was! One very proud mummy anyway :-)
Big bee coloured in a butterfly piccy, done a fine job. She loves colouring in.
Little bee onto a shapes activity book. Sticking the stickers on the right places.
Big bee wanted to play her 'fairground' game again. Or maybe she just wanted choccy treats who know?! Lol! Anyway we both end up happy as I'm happy to see her writing words and she's happy to be writing and getting choccy treats. Bless her though, I lined them all up and went to out some washing in and when I came back she'd only eaten the ones she'd done. Not even an ounce of cheating going on!
My clever girlie. :-)
Horse riding this afternoon! Big bee happy and excited to try her new body protector out. Little bee made us all smile by saying, 'horse riding' in the most adorable little voice. His speech is coming on so well. Amazing how quickly its all happened. 
A fab lesson today, she's getting so confident, its lovely.
And lastly just before putting baby to bed he's just given her a feed. Little bee is such a sensitive little chap, he loves this doll and all soft cuddly toys. So different to big bee who actually doesn't care much for soft toys. She occasionally will play with this doll but little bee plays with it more. He changes it, puts it in bed and now feeds it too! Love it. :-)

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Big bees bakery

After a morning of boring houseworky bits of which I had two eager little helpers, we made a last minute decision to head out with daddy bee to the builders merchants. We stopped off at the library on the way through and then on the way back we had some yummy chips out for lunch. A lovely treat! :-)
All filled up on chippys and straight back into crafty bits. Big bee wanted to make a cake menu. She cut out the cakes and gave them all names. The duplicate cakes went on a tray and she then set up her restaurant.
Little bee doing some doodling..
Sticking the cakes to her menu.
Busy concentrating..
Little bee went off to play, this is one of the first times I've heard him make up little voices for his toys. Woody and buzz seemed in a pickle and they were saving each other. Or something like that! So sweet. :-)
Here are the finished menus and 'cakes'. Love the names she came up with. I ordered a 'little happy' and a 'mrs heart cake' first up and of course many more after!
Little bee visited the cake shop! He seemed a bit confused though and much to big bees horror kept trying to lick the cakes! Lol!
One sleepy cuddle from little bee and a pretend sleepy cuddle from big bee. Ahh luckiest mumma alive having such gorgeous bubbas and there wonderful love and cuddles. :-)

Monday, 27 January 2014

Hama beads and colours

A bit of Hama beading this morning. Big bee loves Hama beads. Little bee was doing some as well but when I returned from sorting out some washing he told me 'beads tidy' 'was a mess' 'I sprinkle them'.. Hmmm, lol! So no piccys of little bee doing beads.
I got him his colour book out and we worked on some colours. His sticking stickers in the book is so accurate, it amazed me. He really lined them up fantastically.
Big bee done some more of her wipe clean book. She loves it!
After this we had a few games on the ipad, phonics/maths etc and then headed off to my osteopath appointment.
 Feeling rather tender right now, half expect to look in mirror and see my back black and blue but of course it isn't. It was like this last time and was fine after a couple of days. Will look forward to that! :-)