Friday, 28 June 2013

Friday fun

We had friends coming round this afternoon so planned to make some paint like we played with yesterday at 'A's house and let the children have it to 'paint the patio' with. Unfortunately it pretty much rained all day so no chance to get outside. I love to see the children play with paint and get messy etc but I wasn't quite mad enough to let 9 little munchkins at the paint in my lounge! Lol! Big bee enjoyed making the paint anyway and we look forward to playing with it soon.
Lovely rainbow colours! Looks good enough to eat! Well at least it won't hurt if anyone does. Made just from corn flour, sugar, water and colour.
I blew up some extra large balloons and put out the play parachute and shortly after our friends arrived. There is a group of 7 mummies (myself and my sis included in that number). 5 families here today. We try to meet every friday. We all met back when big bee was very small at baby massage. All the children are the same age within about 2 months. Most have siblings now too, in fact we had the most wonderful news today when all together that one of the mummies 'L' has had her baby girl. So so pleased for her. One of the most lovely ladies you could ever meet. We received a photo shortly after the birth announcement and all cooed over that for some time. Made me feel really emotional! (And broody, eeek!) The children all had lots of fun and the pound land balloons were well played with! 
We hadn't seen my sis and niece and nephew for a little while so was lovely to see them. Big bee and my niece in the thick of things. At one point we noticed they were missing and (wrongly) assumed they were up to no good and this is how we found them...
Sat quietly reading books! Just lovely. :-) 
I think we had reason to wonder about what mischief they were up to as a few weeks back we found the little monkeys knee deep in coffee granules in the kitchen!! Somehow they'd climbed up. Got the coffee, opened it (a VERY big Nescafé jar) and were 'cooking' with it. Having a whale of a time! Lol! The kitchen was completely covered and little coffee footprints trailed through the house! Gotta love the imagination behind it, I wasn't so worried about the mess, more a little gutted that it costed a bomb in the first place! Lol !
Anyway, lovely for the girls to be back together. Hopefully we can catch up again soon. 
After the girls all went home my mum and dad took the little bees out for tea. It was our anniversary a few days back and this was a belated evening off for me and hubby. The children were thrilled to be going out 'to a restaurant' and big bee wanted to wear a party dress. 
They looked gorgeous and I missed them  incredibly but had a lovely evening with hubby. Much needed time out. Little bees are now back and in bed. All tired out after one very fun Friday!

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