Sunday, 30 June 2013

Car Booty Bargains

A ton of photos from a busy fun packed day.. Visited a carboot this morning and found ourselves a car full of bargains! The below sandpit was one of them, £6 :-) just what I needed. :-) free's up the tuff spot again.
Big bee decided randomly she wanted to make some flags, all her doing and planning. :-)

A bit of kite flying with daddy in the garden. 

A car boot bargain, £1 ! Aqua draw toy story style 

More car booty bargains, £1 each. Big bee played with the felt bits for ages, making up little voices, using her imagination. Was lovely to see. 
Felt play..
Number game play..
Then finally a doggy walk down to one of the norfolk broads, fed the ducks, explored, looked for treasure. One very exhausting day. Lovely though. :-)

Me and my little bees

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Felt and fairgrounds

A busy Saturday, started off using our home made paints, we painted tin foil plus used foam stamps. Not the most vivid of colours, a tad wishy washy but still fun to use. The tin foil would be better with regular poster paint. Plan to try again with that.
Little bee enjoyed 'shooting a few hoops' with daddy. Was so upset he couldn't get the ball through by just throwing it up there. (Very high hoop designed for teenagers/adults at that height) but was absolutely thrilled when daddy helped him. Ended up hanging off the hoop, little monkey!
Big bee asked again today for a nap, strange as she dropped naps at age 2 and for last week has needed one. While she slept me and little bee cut out some felt sheets of random different shapes/items. Little bee kept passing me different colours then sticking the items on the felt board. When big bee woke she got stuck right in moving the things about and really playing and using her imagination. Lovely to watch. :-)
After tea we thought we'd pop down to a local fete/fair that was on over the weekend. There wasn't really a great amount there suitable for the little bees so we went on the park instead. Just as much fun was had I think! Lovely park, will have to go back there soon. 

Friday, 28 June 2013

Friday fun

We had friends coming round this afternoon so planned to make some paint like we played with yesterday at 'A's house and let the children have it to 'paint the patio' with. Unfortunately it pretty much rained all day so no chance to get outside. I love to see the children play with paint and get messy etc but I wasn't quite mad enough to let 9 little munchkins at the paint in my lounge! Lol! Big bee enjoyed making the paint anyway and we look forward to playing with it soon.
Lovely rainbow colours! Looks good enough to eat! Well at least it won't hurt if anyone does. Made just from corn flour, sugar, water and colour.
I blew up some extra large balloons and put out the play parachute and shortly after our friends arrived. There is a group of 7 mummies (myself and my sis included in that number). 5 families here today. We try to meet every friday. We all met back when big bee was very small at baby massage. All the children are the same age within about 2 months. Most have siblings now too, in fact we had the most wonderful news today when all together that one of the mummies 'L' has had her baby girl. So so pleased for her. One of the most lovely ladies you could ever meet. We received a photo shortly after the birth announcement and all cooed over that for some time. Made me feel really emotional! (And broody, eeek!) The children all had lots of fun and the pound land balloons were well played with! 
We hadn't seen my sis and niece and nephew for a little while so was lovely to see them. Big bee and my niece in the thick of things. At one point we noticed they were missing and (wrongly) assumed they were up to no good and this is how we found them...
Sat quietly reading books! Just lovely. :-) 
I think we had reason to wonder about what mischief they were up to as a few weeks back we found the little monkeys knee deep in coffee granules in the kitchen!! Somehow they'd climbed up. Got the coffee, opened it (a VERY big Nescafé jar) and were 'cooking' with it. Having a whale of a time! Lol! The kitchen was completely covered and little coffee footprints trailed through the house! Gotta love the imagination behind it, I wasn't so worried about the mess, more a little gutted that it costed a bomb in the first place! Lol !
Anyway, lovely for the girls to be back together. Hopefully we can catch up again soon. 
After the girls all went home my mum and dad took the little bees out for tea. It was our anniversary a few days back and this was a belated evening off for me and hubby. The children were thrilled to be going out 'to a restaurant' and big bee wanted to wear a party dress. 
They looked gorgeous and I missed them  incredibly but had a lovely evening with hubby. Much needed time out. Little bees are now back and in bed. All tired out after one very fun Friday!

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Sand castles and painting fun!

I ordered some play sand with the online shop today, it arrived and was cracked open shortly after. Lots of fun had and that was just me ;-). The children enjoyed it though there was a bit of bickering over sandcastles being squashed at the wrong moment! Eeek! 

We then headed off to our friends for the afternoon. I initially thought we'd stay for a short time then head back so the little bees could get a sleep in before hubby's family comes over for tea. As they'd been acting rather tired I thought it might be benificial! Anyway, as usual so much fun was being had, time slipped away! 'A' had made some fantastic textured home made paint and the children were painting everything in sight, see below!

The play house, the brick wall, tough spot, hands, fingers, clothes.. Everything got a coating I think! 

Gorgeous little munchkins :-)

They were having such a lovely time!! 'A' then bought out a bowl for hands to be washed in which both boys decided that they needed to sit in (fully clothed!) and in little bees case with shoes and socks on too! 
After a change of clothes we played a pirate game and then a bit of little 'F' & 'M' s new DVDs, Star Wars lego and Tinkerbell. Big bee was getting so tired by then she actually asked to be going home. Both bees were asleep almost by the time we got to the end of the road!
They had a good nap and my in laws arrived and we all had a lovely tea together.
Fab day! 

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

An afternoon at the park

After a somewhat stressful morning, ending in me not being able to find the house key to actually get out of the house we finally got in the car and headed to the park. We got there a bit earlier than everyone else. The other three home ed families arrived roughly an hour later and the children got down to the serious business of playing. So so lovely to see them all getting along. We've known two of the families a little while and I can really see there little friendships growing. Us mummies even got chance to chat! The park was lovely, perfect size and all enclosed so no need to worry about anyone escaping to the road. We had to leave a bit before anyone else unfortunately as I was bursting for the loo. My little bees  weren't happy about leaving first :-( . Must have been a fun day for them though if they were so upset about leaving. My lovely friend 'A' invited us round hers tomorrow so we have that to look forward to. 

Little bee enjoying some pepper at the park

After tea tonight we all went outside to see to the veggies in the poly tunnel and walk daisy. The veggies are getting on well, below are some photos of them tonight.

Me and big bee also decided that a bit of scootering was necessary while daddy bee and little bee fed daisy and the ferrets.
Weeeee! Big kid me.. Really feels like you're flying, lots of fun! My stresses of this morning have disappeared after a lovely day with friends and family. I feel very blessed. :-)

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Oats and Rainbows

We started off this morning with a bit of messy play, just a packet of oats but it amused the little bees for nearly an hour. This afternoon we decided to make a rainbow. Big bee had spotted the idea on Pinterest when we were looking together the other day and wanted to 'pin' it. I drew the rainbow and positioned double sided tape in the stripes. I cut strips of tissue paper and then big bee snipped it into little pieces. She's getting more confident with the scissors. Handling them with much more ease. After all the colours were cut we set about sticking them on the corresponding coloured stripes. Big bee done this easily. Little bee doesn't know his colours yet so was putting them anywhere much to big bees horror! Lol! After a little while he gave up but came and joined in again when we stuck on the cotton wool balls. Both activities went fairly well today though inbetween there seems to have been a fair bit of bickering which is slightly driving me round the twist! Lol! *deep breath* and relax now finally both bees are asleep at 10:15pm! Fingers crossed for some nice weather tomorrow as we're planning to head to the park with a bunch of home ed friends. Night night! 

Monday, 24 June 2013

First strawberry harvest

Exciting stuff tonight after tea, the first (small) harvest of strawberries! The little bees were thrilled and the strawberries vanished in record time :-) 

Lazy day by the river

Spontaneous trip to Coltishall Mill today. Grandad Bee mentioned he was going off for a spot of fishing so we asked if we could tag along! Really lovely and relaxing down there. Packed up a picnic which we enjoyed while lapping up the scenery.

we found a mummy duck and two ducklings, plus two swans which we fed with bread that I managed to scrounge from the local shop on the way there. We also saw a huge Heron, a Jay and some beautiful yellow birds which we've yet to identify. Grandad Bee caught several Roach, and Chub fish. Both Bees loved seeing the fish and birds. Little bee after a time asked for a nap so I popped him in the pushchair and he dropped straight off to sleep. Meanwhile me and big bee went off collecting leaves/feathers etc for a picture big bee had in her mind of creating when we got home. Really love spontaneous days like that, the best sort! So much learnt today without even trying. :-) 
Oh and we also observed the fire and rescue services doing some training in the water. Really interesting to watch, sparked off many conversations about our Emergancy services.

Beautiful scenery, will definitely be going again soon.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Pancake Sunday

As per tradition, today is pancake Sunday. Daddy bee and big bee made some pancakes this morning which we all enjoyed. We then scooted off quickly to the local carboot with a hope that it didn't rain (it did!) we had a look round and then the heavens opened, cue us running back to the car! Little bee giggling away, him being the only dry one in his pushchair! 
We then met up with some friends to go and view a caravan that they were hoping to buy and wanted another opinion. Family P only live just up the road from us and are also home edding. We've known them just under a year though somehow I feel we've known them forever. Lovely gentle children F & M who my little Bees love to play with. Us mummies get on so well too, lots and lots in common. so glad we found each other, and amazing we live so close too. Fantastic to have someone to share our home ed future adventures with! The caravan was lovely anyway and we later found out there offer had been accepted. Am really excited for them as we have a little caravan and love our time away and know they'll have so much fun in the future. We look forward to having a weekend away with them too. The children will love it so much, its fun anyway caravanning, but sharing it with friends is even more lovely! 
Later in the day I tried to set up a couple of activities for the little bees but failed as I think they were both tired and although they wanted to do the activity (Hama beads and then play doh) they just weren't in the right frame of mind. I took the activity away, little bee promptly fell asleep and big bee sat drawing. She surprised me and drew some of the best piccys she's ever done even though she must have been shattered at that point, as ten minutes later she was also asleep. 
After tea we did our usual outside bits and pieces, watered the veggies, walked daisy, fed her and the ferrets. We also managed a spot of scootering! 

Peppa pig, George pig, mummy and daddy pig and a bit of zebra. My clever girlie! :-)

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Two very different types of castle!

Fab fun day, birthday party with lots of bouncy castle fun and a yummy BBQ. I took my own burgers so didn't miss out. (Gluten free). After the party we took a detour on the way home to 'castle acre'. Lovely place to look round, we plan to return with a picnic one day. Both little bees had a lovely time running up and down the mounds and around the old castle walls that remain. A trip down Memory lane for daddy bee as he picnic'd a lot there with family as a boy. 
So two very different types of castle in one day! 
Daddy bee joins in!

Gorgeous scenery, pink dot in the distance in pic below is big bee! 
Possibly my fav pic of the day, beautiful.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We've been busy making daddy's birthday cake today. He loves rhubarb so after googling we found a rhubarb and custard cake which I thought sounded nice. We raided the rhubarb patch and managed to gather enough for the recipe. Little bee helped in the rhubarb preparation then ended up napping while the rest of the cake making took place. Big bee took over where he left off and happily made the cake with me. She amazes me how careful she is with it all. I swear she's less messy than me! While the cake cooked I made some stuffed jacket spuds ready for tea while big bee played, occasionally stopping to steal cheese! When little bee woke and the cake was cooked we took a trip to the card shop for balloons and a banner and the butchers for two big lumps of Ribeye steak, mmmm! Got some sausages for the children too. So then back home and now we await daddy's return from work! None of us have seen him today as he's up and out very early. The bubba bees are very excited and in there 'party clothes' :-) xxx