As per tradition, today is pancake Sunday. Daddy bee and big bee made some pancakes this morning which we all enjoyed. We then scooted off quickly to the local carboot with a hope that it didn't rain (it did!) we had a look round and then the heavens opened, cue us running back to the car! Little bee giggling away, him being the only dry one in his pushchair!
We then met up with some friends to go and view a caravan that they were hoping to buy and wanted another opinion. Family P only live just up the road from us and are also home edding. We've known them just under a year though somehow I feel we've known them forever. Lovely gentle children F & M who my little Bees love to play with. Us mummies get on so well too, lots and lots in common. so glad we found each other, and amazing we live so close too. Fantastic to have someone to share our home ed future adventures with! The caravan was lovely anyway and we later found out there offer had been accepted. Am really excited for them as we have a little caravan and love our time away and know they'll have so much fun in the future. We look forward to having a weekend away with them too. The children will love it so much, its fun anyway caravanning, but sharing it with friends is even more lovely!
Later in the day I tried to set up a couple of activities for the little bees but failed as I think they were both tired and although they wanted to do the activity (Hama beads and then play doh) they just weren't in the right frame of mind. I took the activity away, little bee promptly fell asleep and big bee sat drawing. She surprised me and drew some of the best piccys she's ever done even though she must have been shattered at that point, as ten minutes later she was also asleep.
After tea we did our usual outside bits and pieces, watered the veggies, walked daisy, fed her and the ferrets. We also managed a spot of scootering!
Peppa pig, George pig, mummy and daddy pig and a bit of zebra. My clever girlie! :-)