Thursday, 27 August 2015

Random summer (wet) days..

Trying out new car seats! Getting the car prepared for the addition of another car seat in November.
We even gave the car a valet and car wash. It was pretty bad and I chucked nearly a bin bag full of stuff away we were carting around and didn't need! 
A rare shot of little bee kissing baby bump.. He's not quite as worried about fuss over bump as big bee is. She's there all the time!
My new sling arrived, big bee trying out with Una the unicorn!
I've had a few more days feeling very breathless and plain shattered but my wonderful bees have kept themselves busy. They are really self motivated. Big bee wanted to make some yogurt bark but I was just shattered so with me on the sofa, bless her, she made it completely on her own. Not one ounce of help. I feel quite bad not having as much energy to help them with things but I guess it's a good chance for them to learn more independence. 
Followed by smoothie making! Also done on there own, other than me putting bowl on mixer and supervising the turning on/off. They prepared all the fruit/ingredients on there own.
Another day.. Clothes shop making!
The people can visit the shop and pick there clothes. Love big bees ideas!
Exciting times, plastercine modelling!
Using some old wrapping paper from nanny they wrapped a load of there toys then had a 'birthday' unwrapping them!
Making musical instruments. 3 different noise shakers!
Little bee finally joined in the plastercine fun after initially not wanting too. He LOVED it!
His 'picture'
Some chalk drawing outside
And after the heavy rain, little bee investigating the big puddles. Big bee joined in and as you'd imagine it ended up in showering them both! Lol! 'Splash!'

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