Saturday, 30 August 2014

Gingerbread men

A girlie morning this morning with a trip to the carboot and lunch out. Big bee loves our girlie time and actually really needs it sometimes. Little bee had a fab time with his Cousin E and nanny and grandad next door. Grandad had a piece of gutter and they spent most of there time shooting cars/helicopters/lorries/buses down it!

When we got back we decided to do some baking. Little bee was a bit tired so sat out the first bit but as soon as he saw the decorating of the ginger bread men, he was there!
Big bee amazed me. I actually left her to it with this and she successfully, rolled out, cut out, then re-rolled the scraps etc, then all over again. 
So many times I tried to explain the concept of doing the cutters close together so you don't have to keep rolling out and it's never really gone in. Today though I saw the cogs working as she worked it out for herself. Love it! Just proves things really are best learnt when you work it out yourself!
Little bee soon joined in when her saw raisins and cranberries were out ;-) he loved it!
All done! Yum!

Cutting, sticking & a chalk circus

Chalk art for little bee this morning...
And big bee done some cutting and sticking from some catalogues and a horse magazine. She spent ages at this. Lots of imagination, little voices being used to talk for the cut out people. So cute!
Off to horse riding this afternoon and we also had nanny and grandad over for fish and chips. Yum yum!
Tonight both bees were amusing themselves for ages outside, they kept saying they were 'getting a circus ready!'
When it was finally ready I was amazed. The imagination blows me away, I just love it. :-)
They had chalked the bench and added names where we should sit to watch the show. We each had a chalked stone with a face on in our seats...
They had coloured in a pattern. A blue row and a yellow row, plus a criss cross row. Must have took ages!
We then of course had the most amazing show to watch! Wonderful! :-)

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

New friends

Today we met for the first time two online friends from my 'mums due July' board which I joined when pregnant with big bee. Was really lovely to finally put faces to names. :-) the children played together while we chatted. :-)
Big bee introduced her chickens/chicks..
Great day! 

Monday, 18 August 2014

Chalk and crispie cakes

The bees had a lovely play with there friends today, plenty of tomato and cucamelon 'stealing' going on! ;-) plus some beautiful chalk pavement art, and generally lots of running round and having fun!
Later the bees made crispie choccy cakes.. Yum yum!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

The big shave day

A big day today, myself and my sister had our hair shaved off. My wonderful gorgeous brave little sis has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She's now undergoing treatment which has made her hair start to fall out. I didn't want her to have to go through the hair loss alone so I decided to shave my hair off in support and also to raise funds.
We set up a page:
Any donations greatly appreciated!

Here is my hair this morning before 'the big shave'
Here it is plaited and ready to be chopped off to be sent to the little princesses trust. (They make wigs for children)
Here we go sis..
Clippers at the ready!
The chuckle brothers realisation moment!
All done! Thankyou to our fab hairdresser friends. Both being done at the same time was perfect. Made the day so much easier on my sisarooo..
Baldy buddies! I actually quite like it!
With our funky scarves..
Back home and showing all our munchkins! They loved it! Little bee kept 'stroking the prickles'. Big bee just said 'beautiful' :-).  (Little bee is camera shy in this pic)
Our girlies with there matching head scarves too!
A very different day today, wonderful in its own right. A shame because of the circumstances but I'm sure in 50 years time we'll look back on this day and laugh! 
Well done sis for being so fab and brave today, love you lots and lots! Love even more that I'm probably the only one that can get away with calling you 'baldy'!!! Hehehe!